Turning Science Into News: Tips for Students Interested In Science Communication

Jennifer R. Lloyd, higher education and scientific research reporter for the San Antonio Express-News and Career Advisory Council member, gives advice on moving from the sciences into journalism.
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The GSBS Welcomes 1st Year Students from Underrepresented Backgrounds

With smiles wide and hands extended, current students and faculty welcomed new graduate students into the GSBS Family, Friday, August 8th. Coordinators hoped that this event would allow new graduate students to connect with one another as well as reinforce the importance of...
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Congrats Dr. Kelly Reveles: New Translational Science PhD Graduate

Dr. Kelly Reveles successfully, and convincingly, defended her dissertation on July 30th. The title of her thesis was "Pharmacoepidemiology and health outcomes in Clostridium difficile infections". What makes this even more exciting, is that she is the inaugural graduate of our...
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A Faculty’s Take On EBOLA

News coverage has been fairly extensive and it is now nice to see some more in depth commentaries as to why this particular Ebola virus outbreak has become so large. These war-torn areas have suffered severe neglect in terms of healthcare expenditure, education and infrastructure...
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Scientist-To-Scientist Interactions

Today's scientists find it tough to keep up with all of the latest journal articles, innovative methods, and interesting projects of colleagues in their fields. That's understandable, because there are tens of thousands of journals, hundreds of conferences in major fields, dozens...
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Alumni Updates: Wilson Fok and Young-Mok Charles Jang

Keep us informed of where you are by sending your information to the NEW GSBS Alumni email address at gsbsalumni@uthscsa.edu!
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A journey into science that spans continents and generations

We are very excited to bring you a spotlight on one of our outstanding Biomedical Engineering students, Milos Marinkovic. Milos speaks passionately about his journey into science stating, "My path into the field of science spans across three generations, two continents and the...
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Sex in Science

OK, I got your attention. But it is not what you think. It appears that NIH will soon be implementing policies to ensure that preclinical research, even in cells, includes plans to specifically examine differences between males and females. We asked one of our investigators with...
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