F99/K00 Informational Webinar
NCI calls your attention to RFA-CA-19-002 The NCI Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award (F99/K00), which has just been published. An Informational Webinar is scheduled for Tuesday, November 5th from 1 – 3 pm EST, for institutional grant managers, heads of graduate programs, and faculty who will participate in the nominee selection process. Potential nominees are also welcome to listen, and a second webinar will be held in January specifically for the nominees and their sponsors.
Letters of intent for FY19 are due January 22nd, 2019. Applications for FY19 are due February 22, 2019.
The purpose of the NCI Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award (F99/K00) is to encourage and retain outstanding graduate students recognized by their institutions for their high potential and strong interest in pursuing careers as independent cancer researchers. The F99/K00 award provides up to 6 years of support in two phases. The F99 phase will provide support for 1-2 years of dissertation research (final experiments, dissertation preparation, and selection of a postdoctoral mentor). Awardees then transition to the K00 phase, which provides up to 4 years of mentored postdoctoral research career development support at the US laboratory of their choosing.
The F99/K00 is a significant departure from the Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA fellowships.
- Each institution is allocated one nomination, whether identified by a single DUNS number or by multiple DUNS numbers for schools/colleges/divisions within the institution.
- The nominee is to be selected based on faculty evaluation of an applicant’s potential and desire to become a successful independent cancer researcher.
- A Letter of Intent from the institutional business official is requested, to avoid confusion on the identity of the nominee.
- Only PhD-granting institutions may submit, but if appropriate, a non-academic institution may co-nominate a student
- Nominee must be a 3rd or 4th year Ph.D. student.
- F31 Fellowship applicants, current F31 awardees, and international students are eligible to be nominated.
The NCI F99/K00 website is an excellent source for information, especially the material found under Resources. Please email Dr. Michele McGuirl to ask questions or to add your name to the F99/K00 email list. To attend the Informational Webinar, click on the link.
Dr. Susan Perkins, Acting Chief, NCI Cancer Training Branch
Dr. Michele McGuirl, Program Director, NCI Cancer Training Branch
mcguirlma@mail.nih.gov, 240-276-5421