Mikiten Research Forum 2014
Each year the Graduate Student Association puts on the Mikiten Research Forum, and each year it grows. The 6th Annual Research Forum this year drew the largest attendance in its history, by far, with over 150
participates, judges and guests. This could not have been done without the GSA Committee’s immense work dedicated to planning, promoting and
participating in the event. Peter LoCoco, GSA President, along with Stacy Stahl, Mikaela Sifuentes, Calais Prince, Elizabeth Fucich and Sabrina Martinez-Anz coordinated every aspect of this day in honor of Dr. Terry M.
Mikiten, a previous Associate Dean of the GSBS
The GSA is responsible for the organization of graduate student events and could not exist without the voluntary efforts of students who understand the importance of giving back to their university community, especially when their time is extremely limited. Without their desire to extend their time and talents, this event would not experience continued success.
Thank you GSA for an incredible event and for all the hours you gave to your graduate school
The winners this year were:
Best Graduate Student Poster:
First Place: Blaine McGuire
Second Place: David Aguilar
Best Postdoctoral Fellow Poster:
First Place: Sonya Bierbower
Second Place: Nathaniel Clark
Best 1st Year Graduate Student/Undergraduate Poster:
Blanca Hernandez-Uribe and Aysha Demeler
Best Oral Presentation:
Michael Eskander