Highlights from the November Student Government Association (SGA) Meeting
The Student Government Association is the recognized forum of student opinion of UT Health San Antonio. It is comprised of student representatives from all six schools. The GSBS SGA representatives are Jacob Essif (essif@livemail.uthscsa.edu), Lacey Sell (selll@livemail.uthscsa.edu), Jack Prochnau (prochnau@livemail.uthscsa.edu), and Bria Moore (mooreb7@livemail.uthscsa.edu). Additionally, Ediri Metitiri (metitiri@livemail.uthscsa.edu) is a former GSBS representative who is now serves on the Executive Committee as the current SGA Secretary.
We encourage students to bring any UT Health San Antonio related concerns up to the GSBS representatives. Students can email Ediri to be put on the agenda to speak during the open forum period of the monthly meeting, where all UT Health students can express their concerns, opinions, or questions on any topic related to the University or student experience. The first meeting of the Spring semester is Thursday, January 9 at 5:30 pm in MED 4.409L. The February, March, and April meetings will take place on the first Thursday of each month.
Your GSBS SGA representatives have summarized the key highlights and important updates from the November meeting.
First, UTHSCSA students can now conveniently access official enrollment verifications, transcripts, and degree reports. UTHSCSA now contracts with the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) via the MyHub portal. This resource allows both current students and alumni to independently manage and request their academic records. For self-service access to official enrollment verifications, transcripts, and degree reports, visit My Student Center > Academic Records tile > Helpful Links.
Second, the Student Counseling Center (SCC) is available M-F from 7 am – 6 pm (in person) and 7 am-5 pm (virtual). If you have an after-hours crisis, call 210.567.2648 and press 2 when prompted. TimelyCare is available for after-hours use but is not to be used when in crisis.
Student organization leaders are encouraged to apply to the SGA Appropriations Committee to receive additional funding for events. The link to the SGA Appropriations Committee page can be found here. Only student organizations, who are registered and in good standing with the Office of Student Life, may apply for SGA appropriations funding. Student organizations can apply for up to $1,000 per academic year in funding to support their events. To obtain funding, student organization leaders must complete the SGA Appropriations Application in its entirety at least one month prior to the next SGA meeting. The student organization leader will present the application at the SGA Appropriations Committee meeting, where the student organization leader will answer any questions about the application or the event. Student organizations are limited to 1 application per academic year. Please see here for further information on the application process. If students have any questions on the requirements for appropriations, they can also reach out to Austin Cervantes, Program Coordinator for Student Leadership at cervantesa5@uthscsa.edu.
SGA also has an appropriation application for students to apply for career enrichment and professional development funding. This is a separate application from the student org application and is intended to be awarded to individual students – not student organizations. The deadline to submit a Career Development and Enrichment Appropriation Application is March 15, 2025. The link to the Student Career Enrichment guidelines and application can be found here.
The minutes from each monthly meeting are available online here. Your SGA representatives continue to work on behalf of the student body, ensuring that important issues, services, and deadlines are communicated effectively. For ongoing updates and fun events around campus, contact your GSBS student reps or follow SGA on Instagram – uthealthsga.
Written By: Jacob Essif