Alumni Updates: Wilson Fok and Young-Mok Charles Jang
Wilson Fok (BA track) – Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology-Oncology -Washington University in St. Louis, MO. Wilson, who graduated from the CSB program in summer 2013, was the 2009 recipient of the CSB David Carillo Memorial Award for Excellence as a graduate student. During his time in the CSB program, Wilson was a recipient of a fellowship award from the institutional NRSA (Biology of Aging T32 training grant) from NIA. LinkedIn
Young-Mok Charles Jang – Charles was a PhD student in the CSB Graduate
Program (pre-IMGP) and graduated fall 2008. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute and Department of Stem Cell & Regenerative Biology, Harvard University. Charles recently had a first author paper in Science and is going to start in a tenure-track Assistant Professor position at Georgia Tech this summer. Research Gate.