Dr. Teresa Evans: 12 Tips for Career Success For Scientists
Just as in science we know that every genome sequence is
unique, it is also true in career development that every career path is unlike
any other. If you are in search of a
protocol for your career, I must warn you that there is no one protocol.
There can be many
variables that impact a journey just as there are variables that impact our
data collection processes. For example, the economic landscape has impacted the
way that we view research and funding, industry development and downturns have
shifted the needs of the job market, and more fundamentally each of us have
personal variables that impact our career path.
All of this being said, I have found that there have been a
few tips that I have learned along my own unique career path that have helped me
to minimize the variables and maximize my success.
I have learned that a great introduction could leave a
lasting impact. The unique thing here is that I am not just talking about
introducing yourself to someone that you wish to know but more importantly
introducing your colleagues to someone that they might want to know.
If you can master the ability to strongly introduce your
colleagues you will have colleagues for life. For example, you are at a
conference and a scientist in your field that you have always admired walks up
to your poster at the same time that your mentor does. What do you do?
Well, I would suggest that you MAKE THE INTRODUCTION. “Hello Dr. Smith, this is my mentor Dr.
Jones. Dr. Jones this is Dr. Smith, one
of the leading neuroscientists in the field of dementia. His work has been
instrumental in moving this area of research forward and not only that he is
also an outstanding mentor to his trainees.” Would be flattering to hear this
said about your right? Would you forget this young trainee? Of course you
wouldn’t. At that my friend is how you
leave a lasting impression.
As Jimmy
Fallon always says, “It’s Friday and Friday is the day that I catch up on
things and WRITE my thank you notes.”
These are words of wisdom. Jimmy
does not type his thank you notes but he writes them. I encourage you to do the same. Get yourself some cards and keep them in your
desk. A handwritten note is something that will again and again, make an impression!
I was
recently invited to a meeting where we were taught how to “command a room.” You must watch this great Ted
Talk by psychologist Amy Cuddy that discusses the importance of posture and
how it shapes the impression you share with others. Your body language is worth 1000 words. Learn how to control it and how to command a
These are just a few of the tips I have found
most valuable along the way. To read
more of my tips check it out below orĀ here.