Chancellor McRaven unveils ambitious vision for UT System
Chancellor William H. McRaven laid out a bold and sweeping path forward for The University of Texas System to the Board of Regents on Nov. 5 in a comprehensive presentation that introduced numerous breakthroughs, from building the nation’s next generation of leaders, to leading the brain health revolution, to aggressively recruiting the world’s greatest scholars and researchers to University of Texas institutions.
The entire vision focuses on a new way of doing business, breaking new ground and making the UT System a public higher education system of global influence.
“When I took this job in January, my early vision for the UT System focused primarily on improving the quality of our institutions,” McRaven said in a statement. “But what I came to realize was that our institutions must focus on the quality of our service to the state of Texas. It is not about us. It is about Texas a about improving the human condition in every town, every city, for every man, woman and child. That’s what great institutions must do for their state.”
To learn more about his plans for the system, click here.