Travis Block and Guillermo Vela Speak At The Health Cell
Graduate student Travis Block and Career Advisory Council Guillermo Vela spoke at The Health Cell last week about entrepreneurship and the next generation of scientists.
The Health Cell is an organization that works to create collaborative environments for the San Antonio health and bioscience industry, by creating opportunities that support personal and professional growth.
During the presentation, Travis Block spoke about the recent success of Science Fiesta, a free, family friendly event organized by graduate students through the Graduate Student Association and San Antonio Science.
Block spoke about the need for more science events in San Antonio and the desire for local scientists to connect with the public to share science with the community.
“Science shouldn’t be intimidating, science should be for everyone,” Block said.
Block explained that when he came up with the idea of Science Fiesta, he went to 20 other people to explain that this was something over his head.
“I think no where else could that have happened where people got together and said, let’s make it happen,” he said. “It’s an exciting time in the city and an incredibly supportive community.”
At the panel, Vela was asked why he chose to form his company in San Antonio and he explained that at first he had his heart set on Austin.
“Growing up in Laredo, San Antonio was a bit of a sleepy town so I had my sight set on Austin until my friend told me about Geekdom in San Antonio, they offered me a tremendous amount of support and there is no doubt that we are what we are because of San Antonio.”
He added that he was glad that he started his company in San Antonio because of the support and mentorship that he’s received.
incredible drive in San Antonio, and it’s not to try to catch up or compete
with Austin, but to further develop our city’s own unique strengths and
culture. It’s an exciting time to be in San Antonio.”