Fun, Friends, and Free T-Shirts at Monster Mini Golf
Current students, new students, faculty, postdocs, alumni, and friends, join the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio for a fun night of monster mini golf. Food and prizes will be provided.
GSBS Social: Monster Mini Golf
Thursday, August 18, 2015
6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Monster Mini Golf (Winston Hills Village, 2267 NW Military Hwy, San Antonio, TX 78213)
Shuttles will be leaving the South Texas Research Facility near the roundabout at 5:20 and then Academic and Administration Building near the roundabout at 5:30. Limited space on shuttles-the shuttle can hold 30 people. If you would like a ride on the shuttle, please indicate on the registration page. Shuttles will return to campus around 8:30 p.m.
If you are not on a shuttle, feel free to carpool and meet us at Monster Mini Golf at 6 p.m.
The first 100 people will receive this glow in the dark t shirt.
For more questions, email or call 210-716-3622.
Tell your friends to rsvp at