2017 Alumni Directory For Sale
We are so excited to announce that the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio’s alumni directory is complete.
The project was in partnership with Publishing Concepts (PCI) and took around 12 months to complete.
The directory includes a brief history of the university along with a few updates on major projects and events at the graduate school including our annual Mikiten Graduate Student Research Symposium, Science Fiesta, and the World’s Largest Periodic Table of Elements.
The alumni directory also includes an alphabetical, class, geographical, and specialty listing of graduating classes starting from 1971 to the most recent 2016 class.
The softbound copy or the USB copy is on sale for $99.95 and the USB by decade version (includes contacts from 5 years before and 5 years after graduation year), is on sale for $49.95.
If you are interested in being part of a local San Antonio GSBS alumni association, please email Charlotte Anthony at anthonyc@uthscsa.edu.