Meet Our New GSBS Presidential Ambassador Scholar: Roma Kaul
Tell me about yourself and a bit of what you are doing at The University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio?
I am a third year Ph.D. student in the Integrated Biomedical Sciences (IBMS) program. This graduate program functions as an interdisciplinary umbrella program, allowing students to customize their educational and research experience.
Personally, I have always been interested in understanding the molecular biology of breast cancer, with the goal of conducting research that ultimately advances patient care. Here at UT Health San Antonio, I am conducting my dissertation research in the laboratory of Dr. Susan Mooberry. My project spans two different biomedical sciences disciplines: cancer biology and pharmacology. Research in the field of cancer pharmacology is highly clinically relevant, because it can be translated into improving treatment of cancer patients fairly quickly. The IBMS program has paved the way for me to conduct interdisciplinary research that is highly translational.
What does being a presidential ambassador scholar mean to you?
It is such an honor to be selected as the Presidential Ambassador Scholar to represent the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS)! This ambassadorship gives me the opportunity to represent the graduate school, our student body and the cutting-edge research conducted here.
This scholarship provides me with a platform to communicate with our community about the excellent research conducted here at UT Health San Antonio, the values and virtues of our school, our dedication to advancing health care through biomedical research, and ultimately to encourage children to pursue a career in science by increasing science literacy.
What are you most looking forward to as an ambassador?
This ambassadorship provides me with the opportunity to engage with members of our local community as well as with people from various fields of health care and research.
I look forward to interacting with individuals outside of UT Health San Antonio to increase awareness of the importance of biomedical research, and how this directly impacts advancements in health care.
I am highly passionate about promoting students from different backgrounds and with varied expertise to come together and engage in dialogue, because that can ultimately result in greater progress towards achieving the same goal of solving relevant problems. Hence, I am thrilled about meeting my peers from other the other UT Health San Antonio schools, as well as participating in events that bring student bodies together, as this fosters a highly collaborative environment.
What are some of the events that you will be attending?
Some of the events that I look forward to participating in are the President’s Gala, Fiesta San Antonio, the Science Fiesta and other intra-university events that bring the various schools together.
Anything you want to say to the student body?
I would like to stress upon what an honor it is to serve as your student representative. I am thankful for your commitment to the Graduate School and the university. Your dedication to research and advancing health care forms the basis for my meaningful role as student ambassador to the president and the community.
I hope to serve the student body well by encouraging interdisciplinary collaborations, identifying new possibilities and creating new opportunities for all my peers.