Yichu Liu Off To American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting!
Biomedical Engineering student Yichu Liu is going to be attending the American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting in Chicago.
1) Tell me about yourself and how you got interested in science.
I became interested in scientific research at a young age. I would always watch science and medical research programs on television instead of other shows. Science is intriguing to me because it can answer my questions, offer me a firm understanding of the world and exploring scientific questions makes me busy but happy everyday.
I completed my undergraduate study in China with a focus on medical instrumentation and image analysis. Then I was lucky to be admitted to Oxford University, UK to pursue my master degree. I gained knowledge more in depth there. My Ph.D. research focused on preclinical MRI applications and quantitative analysis on large clinical trials’ data.
2) What made you decide to attend the joint Biomedical Engineering program?
This joint program provides me with extensive experience in engineering and medical subjects at both The University of Texas at San Antonio and The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.
3) What is your research about? Why is it important?
My previous research is about preclinical disease progression characterization using MRI especially on traumatic brain injury rodents. Right now, I am working with Dr. Andrew Brenner on his GBM clinical trial studies. My main work is to quantitatively analyze the patients’ large dataset using advanced algorithms such as machine learning.
4) What are you most excited about for the 2017 ASCO Annual Meeting?
As an academic researcher, I will be exposed to many real clinical questions and will have a chance to communicate with more experienced researchers.
5) What will you be doing at the 2017 ASCO Annual Meeting?
I will present my poster and do some networking hopefully.
6) Have you been to Chicago before? Are you excited to go?
No. Yes, absolutelyï¼I cannot wait to check out the city.