Biomedical Engineering Graduate Society Launch Event & Fundraiser for Hurricane Harvey
The Biomedical Engineering Graduate Society at San Antonio (BMEGS-SA) is a new graduate student organization that was created to represent the interests of biomedical engineering graduate students in the Joint Graduate Program at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) / The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UT Health San Antonio). This past Thursday, August 24th, they held their launch event at UT Health San Antonio. It was a fantastic time as faculty, staff, current students, alumni, friends, and family gathered together to celebrate the founding of BMEGS-SA. There was food, fun, games, and great conversation. A special thanks to the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences for funding the event.
The primary goals of BMEGS-SA are to promote professional and personal relationships among graduate students and faculty, to provide an outlet for voicing concerns, and to contribute to professional growth and education about research, industry careers, and other opportunities. BMEGS-SA meets once a month to discuss upcoming and tentative events such as, volunteer opportunities, career development, workshops, lab or industry tours, social events, etc. It is open to all graduate students who are interested in the field of biomedical engineering. If you would like more information on joining this great new student organization, please contact them at:
Food Drive and Fundraiser
This past week many of our fellow Texans, friends and family have been affected by Hurricane Harvey and many of us have been thinking of ways to help. Here at UTSA and UT Health San Antonio, the Biomedical Engineering Graduate Society at San Antonio (BMEGS-SA) and the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) at UTSA, are having a food drive and fundraiser to provide assistance to those affected by Hurricane Harvey. We have a couple ways you can contribute:
1) Food Drive: Bring any of the items listed below to:
A. The UTSA BME office (AET 1.102). Feel free to bring the items to UTSA before or after seminar. Email if you need help loading/unloading items at UTSA.
B. Graduate Dean’s Office at UT Health San Antonio.
The food drive will last until September 29th, with the food being collected and taken to the San Antonio Food Bank every Friday afternoon.
Items in High Demand:
Nonperishable food, water, baby food, diapers, flashlights and batteries, hygiene items, pet food, and cleaning supplies.
2) Fundraiser: There will also be a group fundraiser with the goal of $500 that will go until September 29th. Please donate by going to our YouCaring website. All funds collected will go directly to United Way Harvey Relief Fund (charity code 909). United Way not only provides support immediately following a catastrophe, but they also continue to provide support long term.
Thanks in advance for your generosity and support!!! Please reach out to us if you have any questions, in addition, please share this email with your network!
Best regard,
BMEGS-SA & BMES Leadership Teams