SACNAS 2018 in San Antonio
The Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) has chosen to celebrate their 45th year anniversary here at our beautiful city of San Antonio. San Antonio has been chosen due to its rich culture, diversity and commitment to science.
SACNAS is an inclusive organization, which is reflected by the diverse backgrounds of individuals attending the conference.
The SACNAS National Conference means a lot to me. It was one of the first scientific conferences I participated in. I remember that in one of the meetings, someone asked me as part of her research: “Why so many students decided to participate in the SACNAS National Conference? Why you particularly have chosen to come to this conference?” My answer was: “because it is the only place that I can go and feel like I am home”. SACNAS is an organization that was there for me when I needed it the most. The speakers they invited and their mentoring motivated me to continue to move through tough times. In addition, SACNAS provided me with the resources and guidance I needed to apply for a Ph.D. program, to find a mentor in my field of interest, and to search for scholarships and fellowships. SACNAS for me is more than an organization. It is FAMILY.
What you could expect to see at national conference?
-1,000+ research presentations (from students, post-doctoral trainees or faculty/professional)
-100+ scientific and professional/ leadership development sessions for scientist at ALL levels
-3,000+ attendees
-350+ exhibit institutions
-Celebration of culture, diversity and equality
-A chance to learn about scholarship opportunities
Travel Scholarships
Research Presentations
This article was written by Shaimar González Morales, a Ph.D. Candidate in the Cell Biology, Genetics and Molecular Medicine discipline of the Integrated Biomedical Sciences Ph.D. Program.