Everything You Need To Know About the 2019 GSBS Graduation
Dear Graduate School Graduates:
Commencement exercises for the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences will be held Friday, May 17, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. in the UT Health San Antonio’s Holly Auditorium.
Please be aware of the following important details for those of you who plan to attend the commencement ceremony as well as the rehearsal and commencement dinner the day before (Thursday, May 16).
Please be aware of the following important details:
- Rehearsal will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 16 in the UT Health San Antonio Holly Auditorium. Please make every effort possible to attend with your hooding professor. Practice should take no more than one hour.
- Commencement Dinner will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 16, STRF Lobby. A separate invitation will be emailed to you.
- All degree candidates will wear the traditional cap, gown and hood. Regalia orders will be ready for pick-up the week of commencement or the week prior at the earliest. Upon receipt, please be sure that your cap, gown, hood and tassel are in the bag. If you have not yet ordered regalia, follow this link to order online: http://herffjones.com/college/uthscsa . Please contact Judy in the bookstore with any questions you may have at sm398@bncollege.com or 210-567-2841. Deadline to order regalia online is March 31.
- Please arrive and check in at the Academic Learning & Technology Center (ALTC) Foyer no later than 3:00 p.m. on Graduation Day, May 17.Please look for Student Sign-In signs upon entry into the building and immediately notify us of your arrival. Robing rooms will be available in the ALTC beginning at 2:30 pm. Although we discourage you from bringing along any valuables, a security guard will be on-site throughout the ceremony.
- Formation of the Line of March will begin promptly at 3:30 p.m. in the Courtyard Breezeway.
- A reception will follow immediately after the commencement ceremony in the Holly Auditorium Foyer.
Once you have processed into the Holly Auditorium, candidates and participating faculty members will be assigned seating in the front rows. Your guests may be seated in any of the seats behind these reserved rows. We ask that guests arrive and be seated no later than 3:50 p.m. A reception immediately follows the commencement in the Holly Auditorium Foyer.
The Office of Student Life will provide a professional photographer during the commencement ceremony. Prior to commencement, please stop by the Graduate Dean’s Office in the Academic & Administration Building, suite 100 (first floor) to submit your contact information to Flash Photography in order to receive your proofs. It is also appropriate for guests to take photographs during the ceremony.
The Spring graduation ceremony is an important event! A Live Streaming link will be provided prior to May 17, which will give guests the ability to view the ceremony remotely.
*Please complete and email the Sample Slide for the graduation slideshow to Ms. Charlotte Anthony at gsbsgraduation@uthscsa.edu ASAP if you plan to walk in this year’s ceremony.*
If you have any questions, please call our office at (210) 567-3711 or email me at YukerA@uthscsa.edu. Likewise, if you believe you have received this email in error, no longer plan to defend this semester or do not plan to participate in commencement, please notify me immediately.