Probiotics for Oral Health: Focus Group on July 24!
Melanie Taverna MSDH, RDH, in the Department of Periodontics of the School of Dentistry, and the South Texas Oral Health Network (STOHN) study team are conducting a focus group for members of the community about probiotics for oral health.
We would like community input on what you would like to have (content, appearance, readability) for educational material to share with family, friends and health professionals. The STOHN study team is building evidenced-based professional and community oriented educational materials about oral probiotic use for oral health and want your opinion on this topic. Please join us to develop community centered discussions as we explore this topic.
This focus group is scheduled for July 24 from 12-2 p.m., at the McDermott Building Rm 2.108.
Participants will receive a $25 payment card.
We ask for participants from a non-dental background.
Spots are limited, so please contact the Study Coordinator, Marissa Mendoza, to reserve your spot today. You can reach her at