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Dr. Maria Danet Lapiz Bluhm Receives Nursing Award
Dr. Maria Danet Lapiz Bluhm received the Excellence award from the Philippine Nurses Association of America at its national convention on July 25 and also will be inducted as Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing, one of three faculty from the Nursing School.
Dr. Bluhm, graduated from our Master’s of Science in Clinical Investigation program in 2015.
Currently, Dr. Bluhm is an associate professor, director of international programs and co-director of the Bio-Behavioral Laboratory in the School of Nursing. A native of the Philippines who earned educational degrees in several different countries, she has seen how trauma and stress are experienced by people in similar ways, regardless of their location and culture.
These experiences have influenced her interest in studying the biological, psychological and social factors that affect stress in vulnerable populations. She has studied the neurobiological, behavioral and neurocognitive components of stress in animal models, and has conducted translational research in post-traumatic stress disorder in humans. She also has conducted education-based and community service-based research in diversity.
Read more about her in the article, “Dr. Maria Danet Lapiz Bluhm: A Fourth Degree in A Fourth Continent.”