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Dr. Catherine Cheng named the Joe H. Ward Jr. and Bettie B. Ward Award for Excellence in the Study of the Biology of Aging
Catherine Cheng, Ph.D., was chosen to receive the Joe H. Ward Jr. and Bettie B. Ward Award for Excellence in the Study of the Biology of Aging as a Graduate Student.
Selection for this award was based on the faculty committee’s review of research originality, creativity and its anticipated benefit to the aging research community. Catherine will present her research at the Barshop Institute Seminar Series on Wednesday December 18, 2019 (4:00 – 5:30pm). Cheng graduated from the Integrated Biomedical Sciences Program-Biology of Aging discipline in May 2019. Her dissertation was on “Sex differences in longevity and lifespan-extending drug efficacy in genetically heterogeneous mice: Age-specific effects and gonadal contributions.” She is currently working at the Barshop Institute as a postdoctoral researcher in the Interventions Testing Program. She is also the Entrepreneurial Lead for a neurosurgery device company in the NSF Innovation Corps (I-CORPS).
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