Samantha Yee becomes Student Government Association president
Samantha Yee, a third year Ph.D. student in Dr. April Risinger’s lab in the Integrated Biomedical Sciences program in the Physiology & Pharmacology discipline, will be the 2020-2021 Student Government Association (SGA) president.
The SGA is the recognized forum of student opinion of the Health Science Center. It is comprised of representatives from each school (dental, medicine, health professions, graduate, public health and nursing). These representatives collaborate and discuss issues pertinent to UT Health San Antonio and organize events to unify students from all six schools.
The Student Government Association (SGA) at UT Health San Antonio is comprised of representatives and alternates from each school, selected according to procedures adopted by each individual school. Based on the fall semester’s enrollment figures for each school, the number(s) of representatives for each school is one per every 100 students.
Sam has been a member of the SGA for a total of three years prior to serving as president. She was a Representative her first year, followed by secretary and then treasurer.
The 2020-2021 SGA Executive Board consists of: Samantha Yee (GSBS) as president, Cameron Holguin (LSOM) vice-president, Kevin Hamilton (SHP) Treasurer, and Leah Wilson (SON) secretary.
The SGA hosts Burger Burn and Chili Cook-off in the fall semester and Springfest and Awards Night in the spring semester. Throughout the year, they hold additional events such as Tacos & Coffee for the student body.
To stay up to date with SGA events, check them out on Instagram and Facebook.