Local conference organized by alumnus shares expertise about point-of-care ultrasound to physicians
Dr. Nilam Soni, alumnus of the M.S. in Clinical Investigation & Translational Science program, and professor of medicine at UT Health San Antonio helped organize the 10th annual Point-of-care Ultrasound Workshop held Feb. 14 to 15 in downtown San Antonio.
Dr. Soni, is also the director of Point-of-Care Ultrasound Training of VHA SimLEARN, co-director of Medical School Ultrasound Curriculum and the director of Critical Care Ultrasound Education at UT Health San Antonio.
In 2017, the Pipette Gazette wrote an article about him entitled, “The Ultrasound Evangelist,” which explains how he first learned about point-of-care ultrasound and why he is a passionate advocate for its integration into clinical practice to this day.
“Traditionally we have used the stethoscope, a 200 year old rubber tube with diaphragm, and our hands to make important decisions, sometimes in life-threatening situations, about the care of patients,” he said. “Ultrasound allows you to see inside the body what you are trying to palpate or auscultate by physical exam. The FAST exam, for example, lets you look into the belly for blood and if blood is seen, you can send the patient to the operating room immediately rather than waiting for a CT scan or other tests.”
During the workshop, UT Health San Antonio faculty and guest faculty from top medical schools around the country shared their expertise of ultrasound technology and provided hands-on training to clinicians.
“The conference attracts 100+ learners coming from coast to coast (33 different states),” Dr. Soni said. “The conference had hands-on scanning sessions in small groups to allow one-on-one learning so that physicians could learn practical skills that they can apply immediately to their practices.”
Here is a map of where learners have came to attend the workshop from 2013-2020.
Read more in the article by The Newsroom, “A Clearer Look at Ultrasounds.”