Graduate School Partners With @YouInTheLab For First Ever #DiversityAdmissionsHour
Dr. Nicquet Blake, senior associate dean of admissions and student affairs took over the graduate school’s @UTHealthBiomed Twitter on Nov. 16 to participate in the first ever #DiversityAdmissionsHour chat with @youinthelab.
During the hour, Dr. Blake answered questions about how a potential campus and lab are dealing with COVID issues, GRE scores, tuition waivers, and tips for graduate school success.
Have questions? Please ask Dr. Nicquet Blake anything and everything! #gradschool #diversityadmissionshour #diversityallthehours
— Samantha Y (@samanthayee_11) November 16, 2020
Q1: We’re starting w/ a set of complicated but essential questions. Many students won’t have the opportunity to visit campuses this year for an interview or recruitment weekend. Given this…
How does a diverse student gauge the campus climate? #DiversityAdmissionsHour
— Undergrad In The Lab (@youinthelab) November 16, 2020
Q2: Okay. Let’s go further into the campus bubble.
How does a diverse student gauge a particular department’s climate?#DiversityAdmissionsHour
— Undergrad In The Lab (@youinthelab) November 16, 2020
Q3: And because the lab environment you’ll be working in is important for your well-being and productivity….
How does a diverse student gauge the culture of a specific lab?#DiversityAdmissionsHour
— Undergrad In The Lab (@youinthelab) November 16, 2020
Q4: Undergrads often ask us how to choose a #GradSchool. You shared a strategy w/ me that you suggest to applicants as relates to the UT “umbrella” program. It’s good advice for those considering multiple schools. And other #mentors might want to share it #DiversityAdmissionsHour
— Undergrad In The Lab (@youinthelab) November 16, 2020
Q5: How many programs do you suggest that an undergrad apply to? And/or Have you noticed any trends on the number of graduate programs undergrads are applying to?
#DiversityAdmissionsHour— Undergrad In The Lab (@youinthelab) November 16, 2020
Q6. The application fees (or fees required to send GRE scores to a grad school) add up quickly. This is a burden for students who don’t have the economic resources to cover these for many schools. What tips do you have for these students? #DiversityAdmissionsHour
— Undergrad In The Lab (@youinthelab) November 16, 2020
Q7: Undergrads (often #FirstGenInSTEM) are surprised to learn that they can receive tuition waivers & $ for entering a PhD program. But financial packages aren’t all the same. When interviewing what Qs should a future grad student ask on this topic? #DiversityAdmissionsHour
— Undergrad In The Lab (@youinthelab) November 16, 2020
Q8: How does a student find out how a potential campus and lab are dealing with COVID issues? Safety is important, yes, but should students also be asking about how their research productivity will be assessed in their second year? #DiversityAdmissionsHour
— Undergrad In The Lab (@youinthelab) November 16, 2020
Q 9: A follow up to the previous question. What questions should a student ask to gauge how a program or department is ensuring that grad students who start during the pandemic aren’t feeling isolated or disconnected from their peers? #DiversityAdmissionsHour
— Undergrad In The Lab (@youinthelab) November 16, 2020
Q 10: (Last question). We spoke in an earlier conversation about “interview fatigue” and how it can affect a student’s ability to self-assess whether a program is right for them. What can a student do to combat it or push through it? #DiversityAdmissionsHour
— Undergrad In The Lab (@youinthelab) November 16, 2020
Thank you for taking the time to chat with us today, Dr. Blake!
And for anyone who missed our #GradRecruitWeek check the # for more tips from us and our growing community of undergrad researchers and their mentors and advocates. #DiversityAdmissionsHour
— Undergrad In The Lab (@youinthelab) November 16, 2020