Blood Drives in January and February
As the surge continues, we continue to encounter a critical shortage in the blood supply. Of note, there is no deferral if you have received one of the mRNA vaccines.
The protocol is the same as the previous ones. Please see below for instructions. Attached you’ll find the current version of the donor screening sheet.
Blood drive days and times: 1/26, 2/2, 2/9, 2/16, 2/23
Location is the same: Briscoe Library. Your UT Antonio Health San Antonio badge is required.
Sign up here:
Please find UT Health San Antonio Long School of Medicine l in the dropdown menu and then select whole blood donation. Please see below for more complete instructions.
Blood Donation Instructions
Thank you for choosing to donate to the UHS Blood Bank. We are in a very acute phase of the pandemic with lower donations – this means that blood donation is more critical than ever. Thank you to our clinical partner for offering the workforce necessary to draw the blood. Thank you to all the leadership at UT Health San Antonio that has made this possible. Please see the guidelines below.
- The location is inside the library and you will be escorted to the locations.
- Please arrive outside of the library no earlier than 15 minutes but no later than 5 minutes prior to your scheduled donation time.
- In order to slow the spread of COVID in our community, please abide by established procedures.
- All individuals should wear a face covering. Cloth face coverings are acceptable.
- Please maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet.
- Please do not congregate in groups.
- Remember your UT Health San Antonio badge. Be prepared to be screened for symptoms and to have your temperature taken. If you have been previously screened on the day of your donation, present your badge to the screeners.
- You may be asked to wait outside the library prior to being escorted into the library for your donation. This is in an effort to prevent crowding in the donation area. Please maintain distancing at that time, too.
- After your donation, please exit the library when you feel well enough to do so.