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Associate and Copy Editors Wanted for the Journal of Emerging Investigators

Oftentimes, graduate students do not know where to look to gain experience in other science-related careers outside of benchwork and academia. For those interested in science communication or journal editing, the Journal of Emerging Investigators (JEI) is looking for you!
JEI is an open-access journal that publishes original research in the biological and physical sciences that is written by middle and high school students. JEI provides students, under the guidance of a teacher or advisor, the opportunity to submit and gain feedback on original research and to publish their findings in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Because grade-school students often lack access to formal research institutions, the work submitted by students may often come from classroom-based projects, science fair projects, or other forms of mentor-supervised research.
JEI is a non-profit group run and operated by graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and professors across the United States. JEI provides the opportunity for graduate students to contribute to the editorial and review process, and management of an academic journal. Over the last few years, the number of manuscripts submitted and accepted for publication has grown tremendously, and the need for passionate volunteers is great!
If you are interested in learning more about the journal editing process or would like to gain editorial experience, please visit to learn more about the different volunteer positions available. Currently, JEI needs associate and copy editors, but if you are interested in any of the volunteer opportunities, please apply! If you do apply, please mention Head Copy Editor, Nicole Hensch, or UT Health – San Antonio when asked how you were made aware of this opportunity.