Dr. Michael Liss study shows MRI technique improves detection of aggressive prostate cancer
Dr. Michael Liss specializes in cancer of the genitourinary system including kidney cancer and prostate cancer. The study, “Restriction Spectrum Imaging-Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Improve Prostate Cancer Imaging in Men on Active Surveillance,” was published in July in The Journal of Urology. Dr. Liss also authored a report on the study in a newsmagazine of the American Urological Association.
The technique, called RSI-MRI, improves the pictures produced from more traditional scanning to reveal biological features, or biomarkers, showing changing conditions of existing prostate cancer patients. The researchers enrolled 123 patients for the study from January 2016 to June 2019.
“We found that the RSI-MRI scan provides a more sophisticated analysis and a more sensitive and specific imaging biomarker of aggressive prostate cancer,” said Michael A. Liss, MD, MAS, FACS, a urology oncology physician at the Mays Cancer Center, home to UT Health San Antonio MD Anderson Cancer Center, and study senior author.