Alumni Video Spotlight: Phillip Webster, Ph.D. speaks about his role in bioinformatics and personalized medicine
Phillip Webster
Class Year:
What is your current profession?
Genomics Scientist
What led you to choose UT Health San Antonio?
They had a few mentors who’s projects I was interested in.
What did you do after graduating?
I did a postdoc at the University of Michigan where I was able to learn a bit of bioinformatics in R in order to find novel cell subtypes within human adipose tissue. About a year and a half afterward I decided to transition into industry and was hired as a Genomics Scientist for Seven Bridges learning things I always wanted to learn and pushing science forward. How has your degree impacted your professional career? Besides the obvious learning how to teach yourself; I’ve leveraged it to become an expert in different areas and have a higher starting salary.
What advice do you have for people entering or currently in the field? If your are just starting out your journey focus on finding a mentor with a good track record in mentorship. Someone who is supportive, kind, and active in their mentoring will get you much further than the person who has a lot of publications or is well known. Get a circle of support, not only to rant about tough times but to get outside opinions on your work and direction. Also, don’t be afraid to change subjects. We all think we’ve found the thing we love but I’ve switched disciplines twice since graduating and never imagined I’d love doing research and helping push down roadblocks that neither academia or industry could topple on their own. You don’t know what you don’t know so don’t be afraid to explore. You only have one candle of life to burn.