Xiaojie Yu Has Accepted A Postdoctoral Position
Congratulations to one of our recent Ph.D. graduates Xiaojie Yu, who has been offered and has accepted a postdoctoral position with Dr. Guillermina “Gigi” Lozano at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC).
Dr. Lozano is Professor and Chair, Department of Genetics in the Division of Basic Science Research at MDACC and Professor, UT Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Houston.
While in our program (Cancer Biology track), Xiaojie was recipient of a one-year Greehey fellowship and a predoctoral fellowship (two years) from the institutional CPRIT Research Training Award. A first author manuscript from his dissertation research was recently published in Cell Death & Disease and a second first author manuscript has just been accepted in Cancer Letters.
Xiaojie who graduated last summer is finishing some experiments in his mentor’s lab and will be starting in the Lozano lab mid-May.
Congratulations also to his mentor, Dr. Alex Pertsemlidis (Pediatrics/GCCRI)!